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Katapult Pro Office Tools & Job Prep Manual

Zachary Carlson

Updated: Feb 27

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Job Preparation makes use of your Office Tools and Office Power Tools to get the nodes contained in your job ready for annotation and deliverables.

Once the photos for the job have been classified, you are ready to head back to Katapult Pro Maps to begin working on the poles in the office.

To get started, go to the "TOOLS" dropdown and select Office Tools. The first tool in the list is typically the "Order" tool.


You can use the Order tool to order the poles, other nodes, or locations in your job.

*Hovering over the tools with your mouse will show you the tool's name and any shortcut it may have.

When you click on the Order tool, a window will pop up at the bottom of the Map page. In this window, you can set the number for the starting SCID. (SCID stands for Sequentially Coded IDentifier. It logically orders the poles and other nodes in the job.) In the window you also have the option to use decimals for guy poles (i.e. 001.1).

As an example, if you wanted to order these poles starting with 001 from the top left, you would click on the pole that the orange arrow is pointing to. The “Use decimals for Guy Poles” option is unchecked so that each pole will have a whole number for an identifier.

If you choose "Order All," the software will order all the nodes. References off the pole will be assigned using letters to show how many there are. From the above example, the reference coming off of SCID 001 is labeled as 001.A. (If there were another reference coming off of 001, it would be 001.B, and so forth.)

*If you want to see all the SCIDs on the map as shown above, make sure you go into the Map Layers, find "Labels," and add SCID as a label. More details on this in the Map Overview Manual. You can also check an individual node's SCID by double-clicking on the node to open the Node Info panel.

If you choose "Order Sub Group" instead of "Order All," you can draw a polygon around the specific group of nodes you want to order. Wherever you click, you'll create a point of the polygon. You can also click and drag points of the polygon to move them. Whenever you're satisfied with your polygon, click "Finish" to start the SCIDing process. At any time you can cancel the action by clicking "Cancel."

Ordering will only work on a pole line that is connected. If your job has breaks in it, you'll see warnings for nodes missing SCIDs in the Quality Control Results window that pops up after the software finishes ordering poles and other nodes. (The magnifying glass, when clicked, will take you to the node in question.) You can click the Order tool again and use it to SCID the next section of poles.

For example, if the last pole before the break was SCID 005, you would start the next ordering at 006 (seen in orange box) and click on the pole closest to the break (see orange arrow).

Once all poles have been Ordered, you will see the message “no warnings found” in the Quality Control Results window.

*If you decide to manually name the SCIDs or node identifier, steer clear of special characters such as the following: < > ? | : " * $ # [ ] \. If you use any of those special characters to identify your nodes, you may run into issues with exporting your data.

Associate Photos

After the poles have been ordered, you are ready to associate the photos taken from the field onto the map.

The Associate Photos tool is typically towards the top of the Office Tools list.

When you click the tool, you will be able to draw a polygon around a section and select “Associate Selected,” or you can click "Associate All.” Click on "Auto-star height and midspan photos" to automatically star height and midspan photos so that they show up in the Photo view during Cable Tracing.

*Auto-starring will only work if you didn't skip the photo classification step! Read more about photo classification in the Photos Overview and Classification Manual.

Because the photos are classified, you will be able to see warnings on the Map if any photos are associated incorrectly (i.e. a photo classified as a 'Midspan' is associated to a pole). A Photo Association Results window will appear, listing the errors that need to be addressed.

The 6 vertical dots (in the first orange circle in the image above) are a handle that you can use to click and drag the Photo Association Results window around the Maps page. If you want to hide a warning, hover over the warning to make the icon of an eye with a slash through it (in the bottom orange circle) appear. Click on that icon to hide the warning.

You can either click on the magnifying glass icon (found in the middle orange circle above) to go to the location that needs to be fixed, or you can click on the nodes that have warnings (in this case, the orange poles and midspans on the Map).

To fix association errors, open the Photos section in the Node Info panel. You can multi-select photos by holding the control key ("Ctrl") of the keyboard and clicking the photos that don’t belong. In this case, the second photo (in an orange box) is a midspan that does not belong on the pole (highlighted orange node on the Map).

You can then click and drag the selected photo(s) to the location they belong. When your mouse highlights over a location, the location will have a green highlight around it, and if you release the click, a window will pop up to either move the photos or duplicate the photos.

If you choose “Move Photos,” the photos will be removed from their original location and move to the selected location. If you choose “Duplicate Photos,” a copy of the photos will be placed onto the selected location.

If some photos have been left unassociated, you can go back to the "TOOLS" dropdown and select the "Office Power Tools" toolset. Towards the middle will be the tool to show unassociated photos. This is a legacy tool, but it exists should you find it useful. If you click on this button, a photo tray will appear to the left of the Map.

The photo tray will display all unassociated photos. At the top of the window will be a header with the camera that the photos were taken on. (So the top photo on the blue line was taken with a Canon EOS M50.) You can then see where the photos likely belong, and drag and drop them from the tray to the map location the way you did with the photos from the "Photos" section in the Node Info panel.

At the bottom of the tray, you can click on the red "X" to close the tray. The blue circle with the pop-out square will open the tray in a new window. The indigo circle with the picture icon in it will toggle the associated photos' visibility. The dark trash can will delete the unassociated photos.

Scraping Photo Data

Once all association errors have been resolved and the photos are in the right location, you are ready to scrape the photo data.

Going back to the "Office Tools" toolset and continuing down the toolset, the Scrape Photo Data tool is typically located below the Associate Photos tool. This tool will pull the data entered onto the photos during the classification process and place them onto the poles/nodes in the job.

When the tool is clicked, the "SCRAPE PHOTO DATA" window will pop up, asking whether you want to "Scrape all" nodes or select which nodes are scraped.

If you choose "Scrape Selected,” you are then able to draw a polygon around the section of nodes you want to scrape. Clicking “Scrape All” will scrape all nodes.

Once you make your selection, the Scrape Photo Results window will pop up to show nodes that need to be updated with data (i.e. the company needs to be entered for the pole_tag attribute). Here, you can click on the magnifying glass icon to go to the location or you can click the “X” to close the window and go through the job pole by pole to update information.

When you click on the starting pole (SCID 001), you can now see the Pole Info section is updated to include the data entered on the photos for that pole location.

Now you can go through, quality control, and update the attributes in this section. For example, in the above image, the Pole Tag "Company" would be chosen from the dropdown, and if that is the pole owner, the checkbox to the right would be checked.

You can use the Add Attribute dropdown to add any other attribute(s) you need to the Node Info for your deliverables.

If you click the three dot menu at the top, you can remove attributes and photos. When you select that option, a trash can icon will appear to the left of the attribute, and at the top left of the photo thumbnails. Clicking the trash can will delete any unwanted attributes or remove photos from the location. (If you remove a photo from a location, it will still exist in the job.)

Go through each pole and verify the Node Info contains the correct information.

Insert Pole Spec (Used in PLA workflows only)

If you are performing pole loading analysis on your job, the next tool to use will be the Insert Pole Spec tool.

This will place a Pole Spec attribute on each pole location that has the birthmark filled in correctly. This pole spec will match up to an appropriate spec in the catalog or client file.

*This tool is automated to choose the appropriate option; please reach out to the support team at for help configuring this tool.

If the birthmark attribute is on the pole but is missing data, the "Insert Pole Spec Warnings" window will pop up to show you the poles that will need the pole spec added manually. Click on the magnifying glass icon to navigate directly to the pole to add the pole spec attribute.

You can leave the QC window open as you move through the list to fix and update the necessary nodes.

Google Elevation

The Google Elevation tool will place the elevation directly onto the Node Info of each pole. This can be used to measure rise and fall of the pole line, as well as calculating uplift for pole replacements.

The tool is the green mountain icon. When you click this, the attribute will be automatically added to each pole.

If you have to move poles on the map, you can click on the Google Elevation tool again and the elevation will update based on the new latitude and longitude of the pole.

Address Data

You can quickly insert address data for locations on the map by using the Address Data tool, typically found in the Office Power Tools toolset.

When you click on the Address Data tool, the "Add Address Data" window will pop up for you to select various options. At the bottom you can select which address attributes you wish to add to the node locations, such as Street Number, Zip Code, and County. Select or deselect the address attributes you want to show up on your nodes. Once you have the appropriate ones selected, you have the option to select all nodes ("Add to All"), select nodes by type ("Add By Node Type"), or manually select which nodes will get address data ("Select Nodes").

For most occasions, use the “Add By Node Type” to choose what node type will get address data.

Once you have the type(s) you wish, click “Get Address Data.” The software will automatically request address data on the desired locations. The address attributes will be added directly to the Node Info section under "ADDRESS DATA."

Thanks for reading! If you have any further questions, reach out to How can we improve our documentation? Let us know in the comments below!

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