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Katapult Pro Integrated Pole Loading Setup from SPIDACalc Clientfile

Writer's picture: Leanne WeaverLeanne Weaver

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

When importing pole loading specifications, there are a few details to look out for. Check out this list of details and assumptions and confirm that your new models match your engineering needs!


  • Tensions for Wires with Static Tension Calculations are brought in directly from the clientfile and are assumed to be fully loaded horizontal tensions. No additional ice, temperature, or other parameters are added to the horizontal tension.

  • Tensions for Wires with Dynamic Tension Calculations are imported by calculating the adjusted tension for the wire at the given loadcase. Tensions in the clientfile are assumed to be stored with 0 Ice, 0 Wind, 0 Conductor Constant, and at the given temperature.

  • For bundles, the linear weight of the bundle components are also added to the cable to calculate the tension.

  • Dynamic tensions in SPIDA have different tensions calculated for each span length given the stringing tension listed in the tension table. Because Katapult Pro's tension table is more similar to SPIDA's static tension, when importing dynamic tensions we generate a tension table at set span length increments.

  • Tensions for Wires with Non-Linear Stress Strain Tension Calculations are not imported at this time and will need to be configured in the Model Editor.

  • At this time only tension groups with the names Full & Slack are imported. Any other tension groups are ignored (like "Stringing" or "Service").

Wire Specs

  • Modulus and expansion coefficient are stored as a total value for the cable in Katapult Pro. To import wires with core and outer properties set separately, we need to know the diameter of the outer and core strands to calculate the total value, which are not listed in the clientfile. For ACSR cables, we use standard strand diameters given the code name of the wire from material lookup tables. For duplex, triplex, and quadplex, we assume the core strand is holding the tension, and import the core properties.

  • Bundles are treated as lashed cables and ice loading is calculated as a hollow cylinder touching the outer circumference of the lashed cable as per the NESC.

  • Messengers and bundle components are imported as wire specs in Katapult Pro.

Pole Specs

  • Pole Groundline Circumference is not stored directly in the SPDIA clientfile. It is calculated from several different properties:

    • groundLineCircumference = (π * (poleheight - 6ft) * taper) + poleTopCircumference

  • Buried Depth is set to the ANSI standard of 10% of the pole height plus 2ft with a minimum of 6ft buried depth on import.

Arm Specs

  • Arm Weight is not stored directly in the SPIDA clientfile. These are calculated from several different properties:

    • For square arms: weight = height * width * length * density

    • For round arms: weight = 𝛑 * (width / 2)^2 * length * density

      • Wall thickness is not included in calculations for weight; double check that the proper weight is being set for your clientfile

  • Crossarm Offsets are not explicitly defined in SPIDA clientfiles. Upon import, arm offsets are set to:

    • 4 inches if the arm name includes "Alley"

    • 0 inches if the arm name includes "Bracket"

    • Otherwise, half of the length of the arm

Anchor Specs

  • Anchor specs in Katapult Pro can have separate holding strengths for the rod and for the anchor in each soil type. Because SPIDA only stores a single holding strength for an anchor, Katapult imports this as the "combined holding strength" and does not distinguish between soil types for anchor failures.

Pushbrace Specs

  • SPIDA lists a single pushbrace spec for each species of pole. The spec for the pushbrace is based on the first pole spec listed in the clientfile. For consistency, we impor this first pole spec of each species as pushbrace specs for use in Katapult Pro. Additional pushbrace specs may be added or edited in the Model Editor.

General Details

  • Dimensions and specifications can be stored in several different units in SPIDA clientfiles. Additionally, SPIDA clientfiles store data with greater precision on each dimension than is actually displayed in the software. Upon import we convert the specifications into the units used by Katapult Pro Integrated Pole Loading, and round to the appropriate number of significant digits. For example, measurements of length are rounded to the nearest sixteenth of an inch.

  • It is up to your discretion to choose to include small loading factors such as drip loops. By default, all measured items are included. Specific items can be skipped by adding the PLA Ignore attribute, or entire types of equipment or drip loops can be ignored by adding them in the Model Editor as equipment specs with 0 height, width, depth, and weight.

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