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As a company admin, you are in control of enabling timesheets for your company in Katapult Pro and creating teams to help track team health, time tracking, profitability, and payroll.
Enable Timesheets
As an admin, go to the Project Management page.
Find the "Company Settings" section and turn on the "Enable Timesheets" toggle under "Timesheet Settings" (as in the screenshot below). The "Allow Bonus Reporting" checkbox is optional; this will add a field on timesheets for employees to self-report their bonus.
The admin who enables timesheets will be automatically given the "Timesheet Manager" role. To grant/revoke similar access for other users, this admin can go to the Admin page and find "Timesheet Manager" under a user's roles (refer to the screenshot below).

Create Time Categories
Beneath the "Company Settings" is the "Time Categories" - click on this section to create time allocations.
Name the Time Category and choose users from your company that can use this category on their time sheets.
Using The Timesheet
The Timesheet Widget will automatically be added to the Home page of anyone who has a time category that they can put hours towards.
Click on the day to enter your hours and click "Save."
Once you're finished filling your hours for the week, you can click "Review & Submit."
Here you can review the hours you submitted and provide feedback on your work week and anything you'd like to note for your team lead.
Team Health Quick Start
In the "Company Settings" you will find the "Teams" menu (see screenshot below). This is where you will create and edit teams.

After clicking "Add New Team," choose the team leader(s) and the team member(s):
Team leaders will be able to use the Team Health widget (automatically added to their Home page once they are deemed a team leader) to check on the feedback provided by other team members.
They can navigate to the week in which they want to view feedback, choose a team (if they lead multiple teams), and click "Load" to export feedback in a CSV file.
Thanks for reading! For any questions, reach out to our Support team at 717-430-0910 or How can we improve our documentation? Let us know in the comments below!